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Afghan National Id Card Program

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Ahmad Shah Massoud Wikipedia. Ahmad Shah Massoud Dari Persian 1 September 2, 1. September 9, 2. 00. Afghan political and military leader. He was a powerful military commander during the resistance against the Soviet occupation between 1. From 1. 99. 2 he defended Kabul from rival militias attacking the city. After 1. 99. 6 he led the sole armed opposition against the Taliban until his assassination on September 9, 2. Massoud came from an ethnic Tajik, Sunni. Muslim background in the Panjshir valley of northern Afghanistan. He began studying engineering at Polytechnical University of Kabul in the 1. Burhanuddin Rabbani, a leading Islamist. He was part of a failed coup against Mohammed Daoud Khans government. He later joined Rabbanis Jamiat e Islami party. During the Soviet Afghan War, his role as a powerful mujahideen insurgent leader earned him the nickname of Lion of Panjshir among his followers as he successfully resisted the Soviets from taking Panjshir Valley. In 1. 99. 2 he signed the Peshawar Accord, a peace and power sharing agreement, in the post communist Islamic State of Afghanistan,3 and was so appointed as the minister of defense. His militia fought to defend the capital Kabul against militias led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and other warlords who were bombing the city4 and eventually the Taliban, who started to lay siege to the capital in January 1. Following the rise of the Taliban in 1. Massoud, who rejected the Talibans fundamentalist interpretation of Islam,7 returned to armed opposition until he eventually fled to Kulob, Tajikistan, strategically destroying the Salang Tunnel on his way north. He became the military and political leader of the United Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan or Northern Alliance, which by 2. In 2. 00. 1 he visited Europe and in high level meetings with the European Parliament urged leaders to pressure Pakistan on its support for the Taliban. He also asked for humanitarian aid to help the peoples gruesome conditions under the Taliban. Massoud was assassinated at the instigation of al Qaeda and Pakistans ISI in a suicide bombing on September 9, 2. Two days later the September 1. United States occurred, which led to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisationinvading Afghanistan, allying with Massouds forces. His forces eventually won the two month long war in December 2. Taliban from power. Massoud was posthumously named National Hero by the order of President Hamid Karzai after the Taliban were ousted from power. The date of Massouds death, September 9, is observed as a national holiday known as Massoud Day. His followers call him Amer Shib e Shahd, which translates to our martyred commander. Early life. Ahmad Shah Massoud was born in 1. Bazarak, Panjshir, to a well to do family native to the Panjshir valley. His name at birth was Ahmed Shah he took the name Massoud as a nom de guerre when he went into the resistance movement in 1. His father, Dost Mohammad Khan, was a colonel in the Royal Afghan Army. From his native Panjshir, his family moved briefly to Herat and then to Kabul, where Massoud spent most of his childhood. Massoud attended the renowned Franco Afghan Lyce Esteqlal. Regarded as a gifted student, he studied engineering at Kabul University after his graduation from the Lyce. Massoud spoke Dari, Pashto, Urdu and French and had good English reading skills. In 1. 97. 3, Mohammed Daoud Khan was brought to power in a coup dtat backed by the Peoples Democratic Party of Afghanistan, and the Republic of Afghanistan was established. Updated coverage of Afghan sporting events footballsoccer, cricket, bodybuilding, martial arts, cycling, etc. Afghanistan. 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The official website of the 181st Intelligence Wing of the Indiana Air National Guard. The www. 181iw. ang. These developments gave rise to an Islamist movement opposed to the increasing communist and Soviet influence over Afghanistan. During that time, while studying at Kabul University, Massoud became involved with the Muslim Youth Sazman i Jawanan i Musulman, the student branch of the Jamiat e Islami Islamic Society, whose chairman then was the professor Burhanuddin Rabbani. Kabul University was a centre for political debate and activism during that time. By 1. 97. 5, after a failed uprising by the Muslim Youth, a profound and long lasting schism within the Islamist movement began to emerge. The Islamic Society split between supporters of the more moderate forces around Massoud and Rabbani, who led the Jamiat i Islami, and more radical Islamist elements surrounding Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who founded the Hezb i Islami. The conflict reached such a point that Hekmatyar reportedly tried to kill Massoud, then 2. The Soviet invasion and PDPA communism. Communist revolution in Afghanistan 1. The government of Mohammed Daoud Khan tried to scale back the communist Peoples Democratic Party of Afghanistans influence, dismissing PDPA members from their government posts, appointing conservatives to replace them, and finally announcing the dissolution of the PDPA, with the arrests of senior party members. On April 2. 7, 1. PDPA and military units loyal to it killed Daoud Khan, his immediate family, and bodyguards in a violent coup, and seized control of the capital Kabul. The new PDPA government, led by a revolutionary council, did not enjoy the support of the masses. It announced and implemented a doctrine hostile to political dissent, whether inside or outside the party. The PDPA started reforms along MarxistLeninist and Soviet lines. The reforms and the PDPAs affinity to the Soviet Union were met with strong resistance by the population, especially as the government attempted to enforce its Marxist policies by arresting or executing those who resisted. Between 5. 0,0. 00 and 1. Due to the repression, large parts of the country, especially the rural areas, organized into open revolt against the PDPA government. By spring 1. 97. 9 unrest had reached 2. Afghan provinces, including major urban areas. Over half of the Afghan army either deserted or joined the insurrection. Believing that an uprising against the Soviet backed communists would be supported by the people, Massoud, on July 6, 1. Panjshir, which initially failed. Massoud decided to avoid conventional confrontation with the larger government forces and to wage a guerrilla war. He subsequently took full control of Panjshir, pushing out Afghan communist troops. Free Download Master Game Plants Vs Zombies Full Version For Android. Oliver Roy writes that in the following period, Massouds personal prestige and the efficiency of his military organisation persuaded many local commanders to come and learn from him. Resistance against the Soviet Union 1. Major resistance forces against the Soviets 1. Army green depicts locations of Jamiat i Islami. Shura e Nazar Massouds alliance comprised many Jamiat positions but also those of other groups. Following the 1. 97. Soviet invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, Massoud devised a strategic plan for expelling the invaders and overthrowing the communist regime. The first task was to establish a popularly based resistance force that had the loyalty of the people. The second phase was active defense of the Panjshir stronghold, while carrying out asymmetric warfare. In the third phase, the strategic offensive, Massouds forces would gain control of large parts of Northern Afghanistan. The fourth phase was the general application of Massouds principles to the whole country, and the defeat of the Afghan communist government.