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Zambia facts, information, pictures Encyclopedia. Windows 7 Product Key Checker 1.0.1. Zambia. LOCATION, SIZE, AND EXTENTTOPOGRAPHYCLIMATEFLORA AND FAUNAENVIRONMENTPOPULATIONMIGRATIONETHNIC GROUPSLANGUAGESRELIGIONSTRANSPORTATIONHISTORYGOVERNMENTPOLITICAL PARTIESLOCAL GOVERNMENTJUDICIAL SYSTEMARMED FORCESINTERNATIONAL COOPERATIONECONOMYINCOMELABORAGRICULTUREANIMAL HUSBANDRYFISHINGFORESTRYMININGENERGY AND POWERINDUSTRYSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYDOMESTIC TRADEFOREIGN TRADEBALANCE OF PAYMENTSBANKING AND SECURITIESINSURANCEPUBLIC FINANCETAXATIONCUSTOMS AND DUTIESFOREIGN INVESTMENTECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTSOCIAL DEVELOPMENTHEALTHHOUSINGEDUCATIONLIBRARIES AND MUSEUMSMEDIAORGANIZATIONSTOURISM, TRAVEL, AND RECREATIONFAMOUS ZAMBIANSDEPENDENCIESBIBLIOGRAPHYRepublic of Zambia. CAPITAL Lusaka. FLAG The flag is green, with a tricolor of dark red, black, and orange vertical stripes at the lower corner of the fly, topped by a golden flying eagle. ANTHEM Stand and Sing for Zambia. MONETARY UNIT The kwacha k of 1. Zambian pound z on 1. The Amazing Race 13 is the thirteenth installment of the American reality television show The Amazing Race. This season featured 11 teams of two, with a preexisting. The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs. El Retorno del Guerrero La Hermandad de la Espada II, Kinley MacGregor 9780853260110 0853260117 History of the Church in Wales, David Walker. Corporate-Finance-7th-Canadian-Edition-by-Stephen-A.-Ross.jpg]];var lpix_1=pix_1.length;var p1_0= [[393' alt='Crane Marketing 7Th Canadian Edition Of Sports' title='Crane Marketing 7Th Canadian Edition Of Sports' />Crane Marketing 7Th Canadian Edition Of SportsJanuary 1. There are coins of 1, 2, 5, 1. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES The metric system is used. HOLIDAYS New Years Day, 1 January Youth Day, 1. March Labor Day, 1 May African Freedom Day, 2. May Heroes Day, 1st Monday after 1st weekend in July Unity Day, Tuesday after Heroes Day Farmers Day, 5 August Independence Day, 2. October Christmas, 2. December. Movable religious holidays include Good Friday and Easter Monday. TIME 2 pm noon GMT. A landlocked country in south central Africa, Zambia has an area of 7. Comparatively, the area occupied by Zambia is slightly larger than the state of Texas. Bounded on the ne by Tanzania, on the e by Malawi, on these by Mozambique and Zimbabwe, on the s by Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Namibia South West Africa, on the w by Angola, and on the w and n by the Democratic Republic of the Congo DROC, Zambia has a total boundary length of 5,6. Zambias capital city, Lusaka, is located in the south central part of the country. Most of the landmass in Zambia is a high plateau lying between 9. In the northeast, the Muchinga Mountains exceed 1,8. Elevations below 6. Plateau land in the northeastern and eastern parts of the country is broken by the low lying Luangwa River, and in the western half by the Kafue River. Crane Marketing 7Th Canadian Edition Of Sports' title='Crane Marketing 7Th Canadian Edition Of Sports' />Both rivers are tributaries of the upper Zambezi, the major waterway of the area. The frequent occurrence of rapids and falls prevents through navigation of the Zambezi. There are three large natural lakesBangweulu, Mweru, and Tanganyikaall in the northern area. Lake Tanganykia is the largest with an area of about 1. Lake Bangweulu and the swamps at its southern end cover about 9,8. Luapula River. Kariba, one of the worlds largest manmade lakes, is on the southern border it was formed by the impoundment of the Zambezi by the construction of the Kariba Dam. Although Zambia lies within the tropics, much of it has a pleasant climate because of the altitude. Temperatures are highest in the valleys of the Zambezi, Luangwa, and Kafue and by the shores of Lakes Tanganyika, Mweru, and Bangweulu. There are wide seasonal variations in temperature and rainfall. October is the hottest month. The main rainy season starts in mid November, with heavy tropical storms lasting well into April. The northern and northwestern provinces have an annual rainfall of about 1. May to mid August is the cool season, after which temperatures rise rapidly. September is very dry. Daytime temperatures may range from 2. June and July. Lusaka, at 1,2. Crane Marketing 7Th Canadian Edition Of Sports' title='Crane Marketing 7Th Canadian Edition Of Sports' />July, with averages of 1. January normal annual rainfall is 8. Most of the territory is plateau and the prevailing type of vegetation is open woodland or savanna. Acacia and baobab trees, thorn trees and bushes, and tall perennial grasses are widespread, becoming coarser and sparser in the drier areas to the south. To the north and east grows a thin forest. The southwest has forests of Zambian teak Baikiaea plurijuga. The national parks and game reserves, such as the Kafue National Park, conserve the wildlife threatened by settlement. Canadian-Marketing-in-Action-8th-Edition.jpg' alt='Crane Marketing 7Th Canadian Edition Of Sports' title='Crane Marketing 7Th Canadian Edition Of Sports' />The Cooksons wildebeest, Senga Kob, Thornicroft giraffe, and red. Zambia. The many varieties of buck include kudu, impala, duiker, and sten. In Luangwa Valley can be found giraffe, zebra, rhinoceros, elephant, baboon, monkey, hyena, wolf, and lion. Among the nocturnal animals are serval and civet cat, genet, and jackal. Other mammals include the honey badger, ant bear, rock rabbit, wart hog, and bush pig. Zambia has a wealth of bird life, including the eagle, gull, tern, kingfisher, swift, redwing, lark, babbler, sunbird, weaver, red billed quelea in Luangwa Valley, stork, goose, plover, skimmer, bee eater, wagtail, sparrow, swallow, thrush, shrike, nightingale, dove, nightjar, and an occasional ostrich. White pelican, flamingo, heron, ibis, and the crowned crane are found in the game reserves. As of 2. 00. 2, there were at least 2. There are more than 1. Among them are the crocodile, tortoise, turtle, terrapin, gecko, agama, nonvenomous python, mamba, viper, and adder. The range of species of fish is also wide and includes bream, snoutfish, butterfish, tigerfish, bottlenose, gorgefish, mudfish, catfish, barbel, vundu, squeaker, whitebait, perch, carp, bass, and utaka of the sardine type. Insect types number in the thousands, and many are peculiar to the area. The Copperbelt region and the swamps of Lake Bangweulu are especially rich in insect life. Both traditional and modern farming methods in Zambia involve clearing large areas of forest. As of 1. 98. 5, the nation had lost 6. Consequent erosion results in the loss of up to 3 million tons of topsoil annually. The exclusive cultivation of a single crop on agricultural land and the use of fertilizers threaten the soil and contribute to acidification. The Copperbelt region, Zambias mineral extraction and refining center has been polluted by contaminants including acid rain. The buildup of toxins in the soil near many smelters poses a threat to food crops. Air pollution is caused by vehicle emissions and coal powered industrial plants. Lack of adequate water treatment facilities contributes to the prevalence of bilharziasis and other parasitic infections. Water pollution arises from contamination by sewage and toxic industrial chemicals. The nation has 8. Roughly 9. 0 of Zambias city dwellers and 3. Wildlife is endangered in some areas by hunting and poaching, although the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1. According to a 2. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources IUCN, the number of threatened species included 1. Threatened species include the African wild dog, the black rhinoceros, the Madagascar pond heron, and white winged crake. The population of Zambia in 2. United Nations UN at 1. In 2. 00. 5, approximately 3 of the population was over 6. There were 1. 00 males for every 1. According to the UN, the annual population rate of change for 2. With support from international organizations, the country sought to reduce its fertility rate, which stood at 5. The projected population for the year 2. The population density was 1. The UN estimated that 3. The capital city, Lusaka, had a population of 1,3. Population estimates for other cities included Ndola 3. Kitwe 3. 63,7. 34, Kabwe 2. Chingola 2. 11,7. Mufulira 2. 04,1. The main urban concentrations were in the Copperbelt mining complex. The prevalence of HIVAIDS has had a significant impact on the population of Zambia. The UN estimated that 1. HIVAIDS in 2. 00.