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Demarrage Par Auto Transformateur Pdf Download

Demarrage Par Auto Transformateur Pdf Download Average ratng: 9,7/10 95reviews

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Des conducteurs souples de 1,5mm, bleu, rouge, vert jaune, 1 mtre de chaque. Du cble souple de 3x. Une fiche male 2pT 1. AUne fiche femelle 2p T 1. ARalisation Visser lintrieur de la boite Plexo le programmateur avec des petites vis, les scier si elles dpassent. Raliser le cblage comme indiqu en respectant les couleurs des conducteurs, il faut imprativement la terre comme sur le schma. Couper le cble 3x. Raccorder les fiches, les cbler en respectant le neutre gauche, la phase droite et la terre sur la borne de terre. Vrifier le cblage, rgler le programmateur comme souhait. Il est prfrable dviter de longues priodes dallumage un quart heure maximum. Fermer le couvercle, raccorder la fiche male sur une prise de courant, sur la fiche femelle raccorder une lampe dont vous tes sr quelle ne va pas provoquer un incendie si elle reste trop longtemps claire. Assurez vous de son fonctionnement en fonctions des plages horaires programmes. Cest tout Bonnes vacances… Lien direct http www. Tlcharg 1. 79. SALICRU SLC LINK SERIES SERVICE MANUAL Pdf Download. SLC LINK. Service Manual. EK7. 08. A0. 1. UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY UPS SLC Link series from 0,7 to 3 k. VA. SYSTME DALIMENTATION SANS INTERRUPTION ASI srie SLC Link de 0,7 3 k. VA. User manual for installation and start up. Manuel de lutilisateur, installation et mise en service. EK4. 10. D1. 1. SAFETY WARNINGS. MISES EN GARDE DE SCURIT. Users manual, installation and start up. Manuel dutilisateur, installation et mise en service. We remain at your entire disposal for any further information or any query you should wish to make. Thank you. SALICRU In our policy of constant evolution, we reserve the right to modify the characterisitcs in part or in whole without forewarning. General contents. UPS SLC Link series VIEWS see figures 6 to 1. LEGENDS CORRESPONDING TO THE VIEWS OF THE UPS SLC Link series. SAFETY WARNING 3. To keep in mind. 3. General warnings. EQUIPMENT START UP AND SHUTDOWN. Controls before starting up the unit. UPS start up. 8. 3. Daily UPS shutdown, inverter shutdown. Cold start, without commercial mains. Complete UPS shutdown. UPS blocked by the keypad, advisable for reshipments to factory. Bypass types definition Automatic and Manual. UPS SLC Link series VIEWS see figures 6 to 1. LEGENDS CORRESPONDING TO THE VIEWS OF THE UPS SLC Link series. Connection parts C0 Male inlet IEC 3. A or 1. 6A, according to model. SIMBOLOGY USED IN THIS MANUAL ANDOR ON THE EQUIPAMENT. Warning symbol. Carefully read the indicated paragraph and take the indicated prevention measures. Danger of electrical discharge symbol. Pay special attention to this both in the indication on the device and that of the paragraphs referred to in this Instructions Manual. SAFETY WARNING The UPS product described in this Users Manual was designed, manufactured and commercialised in accordance with the standards UNE EN ISO 9. Quality Assurance. The CE marking shows the conformity to the Directive of the EEC by means of the application of the following harmonized standards. General warnings. The UPS is a continuous supply unit. If there is a mains fault when it is running, the output lines still have voltage, depending on the back up time given by the battery set. All connections will be made without electrical mains present and with the unit on repose. INTRODUCTION AND SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM. The UPS SLC Link series is a double conversion On line type AC DC and DC AC, with an output sinewave that gives a complete safety protection under extreme conditions of the electrical supply voltage and frequency fluctuations, electrical noises, mains fault and blackouts, etc. Normal mains present. Mains fault battery mode. Over Automatic Bypass. The input plug and outlet of the scheme are as a illustration. Fig. 1. Single line diagram of UPS SLC link series. NOMENCLATURE. 5. 1. Model nomenclature. Brand abbreviation acronym. UNIT RECEPTION. 6. Reception. On receiving the equipment make sure that it has not been damaged in any way during transport, so it is convenient to unpack it see point 6. INSTALLATION. Make sure that the data on the nameplate are the required for the installation. And the environment conditions are the suitable ones see chapter 1. A wrong connection or manoeuvres, can cause danger situations andor failures to the UPS andor to the connected loads. Read the instructions of this manual carefully and follow the stated steps according to the established order. Connection of the output or outlets groups C4, C4 and C4 Connect the loads to the outlets C4 and C4. All the equipments have two outlet groups that allow to shutdown, selectively the connected loads to one of them through the software without affecting to the connected ones to the other group. It is advisable to group the loads in a selective way i. Outlet C4 for PCs or more sensitive loads and outlet C4, for peripherals. Optionally there are two interface cards, not being possible to use both at the same time. One is the SNMPWEB card for the management and supervision through the local network or internet. And the second one is the 5 dry contact AS4. Both interface cards can be used together with the RS 2. USB ports. 7. 7. 3. Connectors RJ 4. ETHERNET networks C1. C1. 3. This connection is not necessary for the UPS operating, and it is only limited to the protection against transient voltages. Connect the input line server side of the IT network to the connector C1. Optional communication cards or electronic units and integrated in the UPS case C1. As options the UPS has two communication cards or electronic units 5 dry contact AS4. SNMPWEB card that can be implemented at the factory or later on the equipment. Gta Miami Vice Game. You can place any of them indistinctly, but not both simultaneously. REPO connector. SUB D9 connector, relay interface. Bridge between pins NO. The interface gives the Bridge between pins NC, by default the 5 dry con alarm contacts normally opened dry contacts, in tacts are supplied in this position. The interface gives the SUB D9 connector of the own card or electron the alarm contacts normally closed dry contacts, ic unit. EQUIPMENT START UP AND SHUTDOWN. Controls before starting up the unit. Carefully check that all the connections have been done correctly by respecting the labelling of the equipment and the instructions of the chapter 7. When the input plug C1 is connected to an electric AC mains outlet, the LCD panel lights and the fans and battery charger start. Complete UPS shutdown. Shutdown the loads and press the ONOFF key during as minimum 3 seconds, the inverter will be shutdown. The LCD panel will show SHUTDOWN during some seconds, after them the LCD panel will only be lighted and with the fans and battery charger will still be ON. Ps3 Xpadder Windows 7. CONTROL PANEL AND ACOUSTIC ALARMS. The UPS SLC Link series has a control panel based on led optical indications, keypad and LCD panel. Any event or alarm will be showed in the LCD panel together with the related optical and acoustical alarm. Acoustic alarm silencer. By Pressing anyone of the five keys of the control panel, all the alarms are silenced to exception of low battery voltage which is activated automatically again. It is possible to choose through one of the screens in the LCD panel, the silenced alarm mode. In this case all the alarms will be silenced except the low battery voltage. Measures, parameters and options lists. Steam Game Transfer To Another Computer. LCD message. M essage description. OP VOLT. V AC output voltage. OP FREQ. HZ Output frequency. IP VOLT. V AC input voltage. IP FREQ. HZ Input frequency. BAT VOLT. V Battery voltage. For normal operation within the UPS and the monitoring software, the Manual Bypass has to be in BYPASS DISABLE, since the load is not protected by the equipment when the Manual Bypass is in BYPASS ENABLE. See section 9. 8. Not all the generator groups give energy of quality. Option selection FREE RUNNING. The UPS has the free running option enabled, because it is selected from factory. When the input frequency is out of the established ranges, the inverter supplies a frequency of 5. Hz as it corresponds, unless the input frequency is exagger atedly for above or under the nominal one. Complete listing of acoustic alarms, frequency, description and actions to take. Acoustic alarm. LCD message Led. Alarm description. Action to take. BATTERY MODE The loads are supplied from the batteries, 1 beep every 5 seconds.