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Heaven Shall Burn Split Program 2

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Matthew 5 1. 4 1. Commentary Precept Austin. Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 5 1. 4 You are the light of the world. A cityset on a hillcannot be hidden NASB LockmanGreek Humeiseste2. PPAItophostoukosmou. Caliban Vs Heaven Shall Burn Split Program 2188 free love spells, charms, recipes, drinks, food, incenses and oils. The best Love Spells you will find anywhere. StrongLifts 5x5 is the simplest, most effective workout to build muscle, gain strength and get ripped. Thousands of people worldwide have used it to change their. Heaven Shall Burn engl. Himmel soll brennen ist eine deutsche MetalcoreBand aus SaalfeldSaale in Thringen. Sie gilt als einer der wichtigsten. SPMIpoliskrubenaiAPNepanohorouskeimene PPPNSFAmplified You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Amplified Bible LockmanKJV Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. NLT You are the light of the worldlike a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. NLT Tyndale HousePhilips You are the worlds light it is impossible to hide a town built on the top of a hill. New Testament in Modern EnglishWuest As for you, you are the light of the world. A city is not able to be hidden, situated on top of a mountain. Youngs Literal Ye are the light of the world, a city set upon a mount is not able to be hid. THE SERMON ON THE MOUNTAn Simple Outline. If you prefer, you can listen to the podcast on your phone or other device by subscribing here. Once youve subscribed, just look for Episode 2, which is my. The Most Annoying Sound trope as used in popular culture. Most Video Games use audio cues as well as visual cues to let the player know what is going on. Chapter. Subject. Mt 5 3 9. Character. Mt 5 1. 0 1. 2Conflict. Mt 5 1. 3 7 2. Conduct. YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD Humeis este 2. PPAI to phos tou kosmou. Pr 4 1. 8 John 5 3. Ro 2 1. 9,2. 0 2. Cor 6 1. 4 Ep 5 8, 9, 1. Philippians 2 1. Th 5 5 Revelation 1 2. YOU ARETHE LIGHT You are the light of the world Jesus gives the Christian both a great compliment and a great responsibility when He says that we are the light of the world, because He claimed that title for Himself as He walked this earth John 8 1. John 9 5. GuzikYou 5. Greek sentence which conveys the sense of you yourselves. Note that you is plural and in the context of the rest of the NT would be applicable to the Church. Therefore this verse could be paraphrased As for you, you are the light of the world. WuestPhil Newton The you is emphatic in the Greek text, so that we might translate it You, and you alone are the light of the world. We know that Jesus uses the same language of Himself in John 8 1. I am the Light of the world. That passage speaks of light in an originative sense. He is the origin of such light so that He can add, He who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life. Christians are light in a derivative sense in that the light we have comes as a result of relationship to Jesus Christ. We do not produce the light, but like the moon that reflects the light of the sun, we too reflect the light of His indwelling life. Gospel of MatthewYOU ARE LIKE A WINDOWLETTING IN THE LIGHTRay Pritchard tells this story A little boy was sitting in church with his mom one day. As he looked up at the beautiful stained glass windows, he saw faces in the glass. Mom, who are those people in the window he asked. Those are the saints, she answered. The little boy thought for awhile and then said, Oh, I know who the saints are. Theyre the ones that let the light in. I spoke earlier of the moral decay going on all around us. Let no one despair. The darker the night, the brighter the light shines. The Salt and Light BrigadeObserve that the verb are is in the present tense signifying that citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven are continually lights mobile lighthouses if you will in this spiritually dark world. Are is also in the indicative mood which is the mood of reality. In other words, believers really are the light of the world And dont forget to observe the context to help accurately interpret the meaning of Jesus metaphor of light. In other words, from the preceding context, what does the light look like for those who are in Christ and He in them cp Col 1 2. Ro 8 9, Jn 8 1. Does not the light which is to shine forth the character traits of the beattitudes Jesus has just described in Mt 5 3 1. And if Jesus is the ultimate light of the world Jn 8 1. He is in us by His indwelling Spirit Ro 8 9 note, should not our daily desire be that Jesus be increasing in us, and that we be decreasing, so that they see daily see more of Him and less of usJn 3 3. Cor 2 1. 4,1. 5,1. Note that we dont have to MAKE ourselves light or saltPaul explains that while we were formerly darkness not just in darkness, but actual darkness, but now we are light in the Lord and this great truth and privilege should motivate us to desire to obey the command to walk present imperative command to continually behave this way only possible as we surrender to the Spirits enabling desire and power Php 2 1. NLT note as children of light. Eph 5 8 note, 1. Th 5 5 note, 1. Th 5 8 note, cp Ps 2. YOU ARE LIKE A DIVINE WATERMARKA watermark is a faint design made in some paper during manufacture that is visible when held against the light and typically identifies the maker. Concise Oxford English Dictionary 1. Beloved disciple of Jesus, His mark is in us, and becomes visible through us We are no longer our own but have been bought with a price and belong to Him. We as His disciples are to stand ready to lovingly obey His command to let our life be seen in such a way that they might see His Watermark, that they might see Him, not us, that they might believe His Gospel and be saved eternally. Play the soul stirring song below by the group Watermark and prayerfully ponder the Bibliocentric lyrics which are guaranteed to make you want to stop and praise HimLIGHT OF THE WORLDGiver of creation. Bringer of salvation. Word of God, Eternal Life. Praise the Son of God. Promised One of Heaven. To bring us to your kingdom. Rescued us from darkness. Praise the Son of God. Jesus, light of the world. Shine on us, Shine on us. Word of Life, spoken for love. Breathe on us. Breathe on us. LIGHT OF THE WORLDKING JESUS Jesus is saying that those who possess spiritual light are to be light transmitters As believers, we are to let our actions speak louder than our words. Our Gospel life should open doors of opportunity for our lips to speak the Gospel cp 1. Pe 3 1. 5 note. We must speak the Gospel with our lives so that it will validate the Gospel we speak with our lips What is the Gospel your life is proclaiming to all you encounterYOU ARE LIKE A MOON WHO REFLECTS THE SONThink of the believers light this way When Jesus walked the earth, He was the light of the world Jn 8 1. He was like the sun. Sleepy Hollow Season 3 Episode 9 Recap. He was the Source of all spiritual light. But just as the sun goes down and is followed by the rising moon which reflects the light of the sun, so too believers are now to be moons who reflect the light of the Son His light shines on us and in us and we shine forth His light to a spiritually dark world Php 2 1. Jesus left, but He did not leave us alone. He sent His Spirit to energize His light in and through us. Believers should be like the veritable energizer bunnies as portrayed in the classic Eveready battery commercial W A Criswell explained it this way A small problem confronts the interpreter who discovers that Jesus said to His disciples in Matthew 5 1. Ye are the light of the world. Yet in John 8 1. Jesus said, I am the light of the world. What appears to be a contradiction is not one at all. The moon provides light for the earth just as the sun does. Yet, the actual source of light for both the sun and the moon is the sun. The moon only reflects the light of the sun. By the same token, Jesus, the God man, is the source of all light. His disciples become reflectors in a darkened world, transmitting through their lives the true light of the eternal Son of God.