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Senator Of Mind Control

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Alex Jones Has Finally Succumbed to the Chemtrail Gay Frog Mind Control Beams. Posted at 1145 am on August 10, 2017 by Jim Jamitis. Jewish Control Of The Catholic Mind Interview With E. Michael Jones. Interviews, Pope Affirms Jewish Noahide LawsJEWISH CONTROL OF THE CATHOLIC MIND. U. S. Senator Kelly Ayotte discusses better enforcing gun control laws already on the books Before Congress enacts any new gun control laws, the nations. Jewish Control Of The Catholic Mind Interview With E. Michael Jones. Interviews, Pope Affirms Jewish Noahide Laws JEWISH CONTROL OF THE CATHOLIC MIND INTERVIEW WITH E MICHAEL JONES Ph. DBy Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2. YGs08Tv653I.jpg' alt='Senator Of Mind Control' title='Senator Of Mind Control' />Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner Link To Real Zionist NewsSMPlease Help Support This Site Or Send Your Contribution To Brother Nathanael Kapner, PO Box 5. Priest River ID 8. E mail bronathanaelyahoo. Order E. Michael JonesThe Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. Here. E. MICHAEL JONES, AUTHOR AND HISTORIAN, is a former professor at Saint Marys College in Indiana and the current publisher of Culture Wars Magazine. As the author of several books, Jones later works focus on Jewish opposition to the Catholic Church throughout history and its pernicious effect on Western culture. His masterwork, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, outlines through a tour of world history, Jewish strategies designed to oppose Christian society from the times of Christ to the present day. Order Here. Brother Nathanael Kapner Can you tell us of your own experiences in the scenario of Catholic Jewish dialogue E. Michael Jones Ph. D In the spring of 2. I was asked to teach a course on the revolutionary Jew, based on my book, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, at the Little Flower Parish in South Bend, Indiana. Every rabbi in town and the Jewish Federation called the Parish demanding that my invitation be revoked. Senator Of Mind Control' title='Senator Of Mind Control' />I was then informed that my course would be replaced by a series of lectures on Jesus to be team taught by a local rabbi and a Notre Dame grad with a Masters Degree in Theology. The text for the course was, The Misunderstood Jew, by Amy Jill Levine, a book which blasphemes Jesus Christ, contradicts the New Testament, and slanders the Catholic Church. One of Levines favorite topics, as featured in her talks at ADL conferences, is how the New Testament infects congregations and classrooms around the world with anti Semitism. This past winter, Bishop Kevin Rhoades was appointed to our diocese in Indiana. Senator Of Mind Control' title='Senator Of Mind Control' />Rhoades had demanded that the renowned Catholic apologist, Dr. Robert Sungenis, cease from speaking about the Jews due to his disruption of Catholic Jewish dialogue. If Bp. Rhoades is interested in how dialogue really works in his new diocese he should look into how my course was replaced. Br. Nathanael Is the dialogue between Jews and Catholics bearing any fruit E. Michael Jones Only for the Jews. Senator Of Mind Control' title='Senator Of Mind Control' />Senator Of Mind ControlDeep states james p. Presidents Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experimentation hearing. March, 1995. mind control survivors. A fifth grader in Colorado was kicked out of the cub scouts after he dared to ask a Republican senator about gun control and the racist remarks she has made in the past. For example, last January, Rabbi David Rosen, Director of the American Jewish Committees Department for Interreligious Affairs, told the Jerusalem Post that he would be very surprised if the Society of St. Pius X were readmitted to the Catholic Church due to Bp. Williamsons holocaust denial. Earlier, Rosen told the Post, The embrace of an open Holocaust denier and the Society he represents, is shameful, a serious blow for Jewish Vatican relations. Rabbi Rosen is now claiming veto power for the Jews in determining who is and who is not a good Catholic so as either to be admitted or shut out from the Church. In other words, dialogue has become the vehicle for Jewish control of the Catholic mind. Br. Nathanael What about maintaining good relations with the Jews E. Michael Jones The Church can have unity or she can have good relations with the Jews. But she cant have both. JEWISH SUBVERSION OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCHBr. Nathanael Are Catholics beginning to react against Jewish control of the Catholic Church E. Michael Jones Indeed they are. Our Bishops are beginning to as well. This is because dialogue has become a synonym for Jewish subversion of Church teaching. After years of dialogue, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops under the direction of Cardinal Keeler, issued a joint Catholic Jewish statement in 2. Covenant and Mission which affirmed that Jews could be saved without accepting Christ as their saviour. However, in June 2. It turns out that, upon reflection, the bishops concluded that the Mosaic covenant between God and the Jews was no longer eternally valid, and that Jews did have to convert if they wanted to be saved after all. Br. Nathanael You say that dialogue is a synonym for Jewish subversion of Catholic teaching. Are there any examples of this activity by organized JewryE. App Ui Designer Cracked Apk. Michael Jones Yes. In spite of all the dialogue, Jewrys hidden agenda to subvert the Church came to the fore recently. On September 1. 7, 2. Anti Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee, Bnai Brith International, the Central Conference of American Rabbis, Hadassah, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the National Council of Jewish Women, Naamat USA, the Rabbinical Assembly, the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, and the Women of Reform Judaism, all signed a friend of the court brief demanding that Obama allow the Catholic Church no exemptions of Right of Conscience when it comes to hiring homosexuals. Jews allow for themselves right of conscience but will not allow it for Catholics. The intent behind Jewrys court brief to Obama is to create a fifth column within the Catholic Church, one which, because of the nature of its sexual activities, can be used to prompt a whole new series of lawsuits. With Elder Brothers like this, as Catholic Jewish dialogue has defined the Jews, who needs enemies View Entire Story. Here Here. FOXMAN BLACKLISTS E. MICHAEL JONESBr. Nathanael How did Abraham Foxman of the ADL respond to the Bishops assertion that Jews must embrace Christ E. Michael Jones Foxman was outraged by what he considered a volte face on dialogue. In September 2. 00. Foxman delivered a scathing denunciation of the Bishops clarification. But the simple fact remained Whenever the bishops engaged in dialogue with the Jews, they repudiated the Gospel. Conversely, when our Bishops acted on their own and reaffirmed the Gospel, they invariably outraged the Jews. This leads me to refine my previous statement The Church can proclaim the Gospel or she can pursue good relations with the Jews. But she cant do both. Br. Nathanael Why do you think the Jews become outraged at the preaching of the GospelE. Michael Jones Anyone who has read the Gospel of St. John or the Acts of the Apostles or St. Pauls Epistle to the Thessalonians should know the answer. Its because the Jews rejected Christ, and in rejecting Christ they rejected Logos, and in rejecting Logos the Reason for the universe and its redemption they became, not only as St. Paul puts it, enemies of the entire human race, but foes of the moral and political order of the universe. As a result, the Jews engage in continual anarchy against reason and truth, a decision they solemnly ratified when they chose Barabbas over Christ. Rejection of Jesus Christ is the core of Jewish identity. And this identity will remain so until the Jews repudiate their rejection of Jesus Christ and accept Him as their saviour. Br. Nathanael Has there been any outrage towards you by the ADL due to your tremendous influence through Culture Wars Magazine amongst thousands of Catholics E. Michael Jones In May 2. Deborah Lipstadt and Holocaust Denial, Abraham Foxman, screech owl of the Anti Defamation League, put me on their Web Sites most wanted list. By calling me, in his typical use of propaganda against those who expose his lies and agenda, an extremist, Foxman sought to discredit me. But it didnt work. It didnt work because Catholics are beginning to connect the dots.